Vermont Car Insurance with a DUI

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Renata Balasco

Senior Content Strategist

Renata joined The Zebra in 2020 as a Customer Experience Agent. Since 2021, she has worked as licensed insurance professional and content strategist.…

  • Licensed Insurance Agent — Property and Casualty

Looking for insurance after a DUI? Compare rates!

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If you get a DUI in Vermont, your car insurance will grow more expensive — it's a question of by how much.

How does getting a DUI alter auto insurance costs in Vermont?

In Vermont, a DUI offense will boost your annual car insurance cost by an average of $846. That’s 30% less than the national average premium hike after a DUI.

Location Avg. Annual Rate — no DUI Avg. Annual Rate — with DUI Avg. Increase After DUI
Vermont $1,156 $2,001 +73%
United States $1,548 $2,556 +65%

Finding car insurance in Vermont after a DUI

Purchasing cheap auto insurance soon after a DUI conviction isn’t easy. In fact, a DUI generally results in a larger premium increase than any single driving violation — more than an at-fault accident, racing, or reckless driving. Vermont is a very bad state in which to be convicted of a DUI: its insurance rate raises are some of the nation's stiffest.

Best car insurance after a DUI in Vermont

If you are found guilty of a driving under the influence offense in Vermont, it is important to assess your insurance options thoroughly. Car insurance rates after a DUI can vary greatly by company. For example, the cheapest auto insurance company with a DUI in Vermont, State Farm, provides yearly rates 40% more affordable than the state average insurance premium with a DUI. The next-most affordable option for car insurance after a DUI in Vermont is Concord Group Insurance, while the most expensive firm is Co-Op Insurance, with prices 72% pricer than average.

Insurance Company Avg. Annual Rate — After DUI
State Farm $1,211
Concord Group Insurance $1,410
GEICO $1,676
Liberty Mutual $1,809
Progressive $1,845
Allstate $1,968
Vermont Mutual $3,061

There’s no car insurance company in particular that offers cheap DUI car insurance. The recommended way to save money in the wake of a DUI citation is to assess your options.

Compare car insurance quotes online or contact an insurance agent to gauge the choices and find the best DUI insurance policy.

Learn more about car insurance and DUIs.

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Vermont DUI regulations

Drivers are DUI in Vermont when their blood alcohol concentration measures 0.08% or higher. Commercial drivers are held to a stricter standard and are considered DUI when their BAC reads 0.04% or higher.

Drivers under 21 years old are DUI in Vermont if their BAC is 0.02% or higher.

DUI penalties in Vermont

Vermont's DUI lookback period is 10 years. Multiple offenses within this timeframe subject offenders to harsher penalties.

In addition to the below penalties, drivers guilty of a DUI in Vermont are subject to an assortment of fees for attendance in treatment programs, screenings, and license reinstatement. Penalties are also enhanced for any DUIs that result in serious injury or death.

First-time DUI offenses in Vermont lead to:

  • Up to two years in jail
  • Up to $750 in fines
  • License suspension for 90 days

A second DUI offense in Vermont results in:

  • 60 hours to two years in jail
  • Up to $1,500 in fines
  • Possible requirement to perform at least 200 hours of community service in lieu of some jail time
  • License suspension for 18 months

Third-time DUI offenders in Vermont are subject to:

  • 96 hours to five years in jail
  • Up to $2,500 in fines
  • Lifetime license revocation

In some instances, a judge may require a DUI offender to install and use an ignition interlock device for some period of time in addition to any other relevant sentence.

DUI penalties for underage drinkers in Vermont

Driving with a 0.02% or higher BAC while under 21 years old is a DUI in Vermont.

First-time underage DUI offenders will receive a license suspension for six months. Subsequent offenses will result in a license suspension of one year or until the age of 21, whichever is longer. In both cases, offenders will be required to attend an alcohol abuse program at their own expense.

Sources and references:

Drunk Driving Statistics