Proof of insurance at your fingertips
It’s a safe bet that most of our information is on our phones nowadays. Whether you’re looking over your checking account while waiting for a latte, getting a real-time alert from your credit card company while on vacation, or making a quick stock trade after a hot tip from your dentist (it could happen!)., having this information securely available on your phone is very convenient.
So why, when you need your insurance card at the doctor's or after a fender bender, are most of us still scrambling through our pockets, wallets, or glove boxes? Alternatively, we can use apps like Apple Wallet or The Zebra Wallet, a digital wallet explicitly made for managing your insurance policies.
This isn’t an exaggeration, by the way. While just 14% of Americans report that they still organize their household expenses on paper or in folders, that number jumps to nearly 50% when it comes to organizing household insurance.
So don’t worry—it’s not just you. People worldwide are dealing with insurance PDFs, cards, and paperwork and wondering how to organize even a small portion of it on their phones by adding their insurance cards to their Apple Wallets.
In this breakdown, we’ll explain step-by-step how to add your insurance card to your Apple Wallet.