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Ava Lynch

Insurance Analyst

Ava joined The Zebra as a writer and licensed insurance agent in 2016. She now works as a senior insurance contributor, providing insights and data a…

  • 7+ years of Experience in the Insurance Industry
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Kristine Lee

Insurance Analyst

Kristine is a licensed insurance agent who joined The Zebra in 2019 as an in-house content researcher and writer. Before joining The Zebra, she was a…

  • Licensed Insurance Agent — Property and Casualty
  • 5+ years of Experience in the Insurance Industry

What's the cheapest car insurance for coupes?

The difference between a coupe and a sedan is straightforward: a coupe has two doors, whereas a sedan has four doors. But in terms of list prices and car insurance premiums, the sedan vs. coupe debate becomes a bit more complicated. For example, there's a $3,000 difference in list price and a $200 difference in annual cost-to-insure between the four-door Kia Forte and the two-door Kia Forte Koup, with the coupe being the more expensive vehicle. But if you already own a coupe — or have your heart set on a sporty new ride — we have some rates and models for you.

Car insurance basics for coupes:
  1. Cheapest car insurance rates
  2. How to save
  3. Additional resources


Cheapest car insurance rates for coupes: by company

By using a user profile (methodology here), we generated sample insurance rates for popular coupes to find the lowest premiums for each model. While the average car insurance rate for a coupe tends to be higher than the national average ($1,470), there is substantial model-by-model price variance. It's important to shop for insurance often to secure favorable rates.


Audi A5

After the BMW 4 Series, the Audi A5 is the most expensive coupe to buy and second most expensive to insure. On average, this vehicle will set you back $44,200 to own upfront and over $2,000 to insure on an annual basis. You can minimize that premium by over $400 by choosing USAA as your insurer. Don't qualify for USAA? With an average premium of $1,746 per year, Nationwide is the second cheapest car insurance provider for the Audi A5.

audi 5 car insurance

Annual Audi A5 insurance rates
Company Premium
Allstate $2,645
GEICO $2,231
Farmers $2,311
Liberty Mutual $2,133
Nationwide $1,746
Progressive $1,935
State Farm $1,847
USAA $1,547


BMW 4 Series

As you might expect from the brand name, the BMW 4 Series is one of the more expensive coupes to buy and insure. On average, this vehicle costs $1,983 per year to insure and $44,750 to buy. However, if you qualify for USAA car insurance, you can lower your yearly premium by over $500. If you do not meet the qualifications, Nationwide is your next cheapest option with an average annual premium of $1,638.

bmw 4 series car insurance

Average annual BMW 4 Series insurance costs
Company Premium
Allstate $2,789
GEICO $2,065
Farmers $2,295
Liberty Mutual $2,124
Nationwide $1,638
Progressive $1,802
State Farm $1,739
USAA $1,414

Kia Forte Koup

The Kia Forte Koup is an affordable vehicle in terms of initial investment and ongoing insurance costs. A standard six-month insurance policy for the Koup runs about $800 on average, and its sticker price is $17,790. If you’re looking for the best deal for Kia Forte Koup car insurance, consider USAA or Nationwide.

kia forte koup car insurance

Annual Kia Forte Koup car insurance costs
Company Premium
Allstate $2,205
GEICO $1,561
Farmers $1,857
Liberty Mutual $1,699
Nationwide $1,408
Progressive $1,461
State Farm $1,497
USAA $1,027


Honda Accord

The Honda Accord is the third-cheapest coupe to buy and the cheapest to insure. On average, the Accord costs $1,437 per year to insure and $23,870 to buy. If you qualify, USAA is the cheapest option, with an average annual premium of $992 — or $496 for a standard six-month policy.

honda accord car insurance

Annual Honda Accord insurance rates
Company Premium
Allstate $1,919
GEICO $1,357
Farmers $1,646
Liberty Mutual $1,643
Nationwide $1,150
Progressive $1,447
State Farm $1,347
USAA $992

Honda Civic

The Honda Civic is the second-cheapest coupe to buy and third-cheapest to insure. On average, the Civic coupe costs $19,750 to buy and $1,645 to insure — over $9,000 less to buy and about $191 less to insure than the group average. However, you can defray much of this cost by selecting USAA, with an average six-month premium of $523. If you don't qualify for USAA, Nationwide comes in at second-cheapest to insure a Civic.

honda civic car insurance

Annual Honda Civic average insurance costs
Company Premium
Allstate $2,101
GEICO $1,635
Farmers $2,118
Liberty Mutual $1,803
Nationwide $1,472
Progressive $1,507
State Farm $1,485
USAA $1,045



How else can you save?

Depending on your choice of coupe and your insurance company, you could pay a lot or a little for car insurance. Even if you’re cutting costs by insuring a Honda Civic with USAA, saving money is always a smart idea. Let’s assess some simple and easy steps that could save you a lot of money on car insurance.


Be smart with your claims

Although car insurance is designed to protect and keep your coupe looking new, it has a tendency to act as a double-edged sword. Meaning, the more you use it, the more expensive it will be. Unless you have some type of accident forgiveness built into your insurance policy, any at-fault accident you have will be listed as a chargeable claim — leading to a fee increase — for at least three years.

The amount you’ll be charged will depend on the incident, your location, and your insurance company. But, on average, you can expect a 48% increase in your premium. Broken down below, you can see how a claim can affect your premium over this three-year period.

Year after Accident Rate Increase
0 +$0
1 +$617
2 +$1,234
3 +$1,851

So, if you’re wondering if you should file a claim, review the step-by-step guide below before contacting your insurance company.

  1. Get an estimate for the repairs at a local repair shop prior to speaking with your car insurance company
  2. Use our State of Insurance analysis to see how much an at-fault accident would raise your rates. You should consider this adjustment over a three-year period.
  3. Compare the rate increase plus your deductible to the out-of-pocket cost of repairs determined in step 1.

Unfortunately, this guide only applies to physical damage you cause to your vehicle. Bodily injury claims tend to be so significant they outweigh this calculation. Moreover, if you’re the at-fault party in an accident, you are at the discretion of the other driver in terms of whether you can avoid insurance company involvement. If the other driver does not want to be paid out-of-pocket for the damage, which is common, you don’t have a choice. Also, we’re primarily talking about collision coverage. Comprehensive or uninsured property damage claims are typically rated on your premium as not-at-fault accidents. Typically, they raise premiums by 1-2% per year.


Double-check for discounts

While most discounts are small, they can add up to cut down on your car insurance bill. So, when looking for ways to save on your coupe, consider the following discounts:


Shop around

It’s important to see that our estimates are a reflection of our composite user profile. Treat our data as a jumping-off point and follow our lead. By comparing as many car insurance companies as possible, you can either confirm you’re getting the best possible rate or find an even better rate. Enter your zip code below to see the over a hundred rates for your coupe.


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About The Zebra

The Zebra is not an insurance company. We publish data-backed, expert-reviewed resources to help consumers make more informed insurance decisions.

  • The Zebra’s insurance content is written and reviewed for accuracy by licensed insurance agents.
  • The Zebra’s insurance editorial content is not subject to review or alteration by insurance companies or partners.
  • The Zebra’s editorial team operates independently of the company’s partnerships and commercialization interests, publishing unbiased information for consumer benefit.
  • The auto insurance rates published on The Zebra’s pages are based on a comprehensive analysis of car insurance pricing data, evaluating more than 83 million insurance rates from across the United States.